As a parent, planning for a summer of fun for your family can get…. expensive! You’re balancing family vacations, sports tournaments (and the travel those take!), and summer camps for your kids. So if you can save a few pennies by locking in reduced pricing, sibling discounts, or group discounts, why wouldn’t you? The problem is that many people don’t know these programs exist, so we are here to put together a “How To Guide” explaining how to save on overnight sports camps this summer. Let’s dive in!
Work the System: How to Get Group Discounts on Sports Camps
Many sports camps offer group or team discounts when it comes to sports camps. There are so many benefits when it comes to going to an overnight sports camp with your teammates. The chemistry young athletes build with each other off the field directly translates to their chemistry on the field. By living together for a week, banning together in camp competitions, and learning from new coaches all together, the trust you build with your teammates is exponential!

And just like at Costco, it’s always cheaper getting things in bulk! Typically sports camps offer group pricing in tiers. When you get a group of 3+ friends together you get a portion off (at Signature Sports Camps you get $150 off for a group of 3+). And then the next tier could be an additional discount (at Signature we do $250 off for a group of 5+). At some camps, you can keep working on your group and get a prorated rate when you reach the next tier. So when you have a group of 3 together, reach out to the Camp Director requesting your code, and then when you get a few more teammates to join (this is very typical, once you have a few friends more want to join!) you can reach back out to let the Camp Director know you have reached the next tier and get an even larger discount!
Spreading the word is easy when your child is on one (or more) teams. We put together a few best practices for spreading the word in an article here.
Secure Sibling Discounts: Sports Camps that Serve all Ages & Genders
It’s super convenient when you can find a camp that serves all ages and genders. These sports camps are perfect for families with multiple children! Not only can you drop off both of your kids at the same camp, but sometimes these camps also offer sibling discounts. Why pay full price at two camps when you can get a discount and streamline your summer with one camp that fits the needs of both of your kids?
At Signature Sports Camps, we offer 10% off for each additional sibling you add. These discounts apply automatically at checkout! So you don’t have to worry about remembering a coupon code or forgetting to ask about the discount as you checkout. To start the automatic enrollment process at Signature, click here.
Stack your Discounts at Signature Sports Camps
If you’re lucky, you can find a camp that allows you to stack discounts! Now, not all camps do this, but we sure do at Signature (because we believe both can be true: you should get the benefits of getting your team together AND you should get the savings of having siblings enrolled in camp). Considering all of this, it’s important to not get too hung up on the sticker price. Between early bird pricing, sibling discounts, and benefits for getting groups together, you can lock in a much different rate (compared to full price) for your overnight sports camp experience.
One extra tip before you go: if you’re having a hard time getting a group together within your child’s team, ask your Program Director to send the information out to the program. Camp Directors can make a discount code with the program’s name so it’s easy to remember as individuals register. The odds you’ll find two or more kids who want to join in on the fun out of a program of 200 to 500 kids are very high!
Let us know how much you were able to knock off your sports camp experience this summer!