Field hockey goalie during practice at Overnight Sports Camp in Upstate New York

What to Expect at Overnight Field Hockey Camp

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Do you love field hockey, want to improve your skill set, and think an overnight field hockey camp could be a good fit? Maybe this is your first time going to an overnight camp, and you might be a little nervous? Don’t worry: everyone’s a little nervous. Or perhaps you are trying to get ready for the fall season and looking for different coaches to learn with… Well, you’re in the right place: let’s dive into what you can expect at Overnight Field Hockey Camp

Training Sessions: Skills You’ll Learn 

On the field, Signature Sports Camp’s overnight field hockey camp in Upstate New York may look pretty similar to other field hockey camps. But the devil is in the details – At Signature Sports Camps, the focus is on personalized, high-quality field hockey training. With low player-to-coach ratios (never more than 8:1), players receive detailed feedback and ample opportunities to improve. Training highlights include:

  • High-Repetition Drills: Build confidence in stick skills and positioning through focused practice.
  • Film Analysis: Understand game strategies and techniques before stepping onto the field.
  • Scrimmages Under the Lights: Put your skills into action in a game-like environment.

Bonus: Do you play both field hockey and lacrosse? We have a lot of multi-sport athletes! Signature Sports Camps give you the opportunity to combine both tracks. So you can get the best of both worlds: field time in both sports! Make sure to check out the Hybrid sports tracks. 

Build Your Confidence on the Field 

Overnight Field Hockey Camp at Signature matches you with coaches who will be with you both on and off the field. These coaches double as counselors and mentors, giving our campers the opportunity to look up to their role models in the sport, ask questions, and receive advice on topics like achieving their dreams in the sport (did we mention our coaches play college ball? And some even play in professional leagues!). 

Professional field hockey player watches on while coaching a young girl in field hockey at overnight sports camp

Signature provides the environment to get athletes out of their comfort zone: players try new things on the field, they are surrounded by new friends from around the USA, and away from the security of parents and coaches they know. With the help of the supportive camp community, we see athletes muster up the courage to try new things, get cheered on, find success, and try more and more new things. It all starts with the absence of the comfort zone and support. With those ingredients, there’s nothing to lose! 

Make Friends From All Over the World

We see athletes from ALL OVER come to Signature Sports Camps. We see campers fly in from Canada to come to our Florida Camp, campers from California come all the way to our Tennessee Camp, or campers from Chicago flying in for the New York Camp. You name the state: we’ve had a camper from there. The cool part about this? You make friends with field hockey players from all over the United States and find out that you’re much more similar than you thought. 

These bonds don’t end when camp ends. We see athletes stay connected year after year. Did you notice how small the sport is? We see campers reconnect years later in playing against each other at a tournament, in college, or even at a prospect camp. It warms our hearts to see field hockey players who met at camp eventually meet again in the real world (and it happens more than you think!).

The Excursions *chef’s kiss* 

Group of girls during overnight camp excursion to Watkins Glen State Park

Did we mention that Signature’s field hockey camp isn’t JUST field hockey? The cool (and different) thing about Signature Sports Camps is how we combine the traditional sleepaway summer camp experience with specialized field hockey training! So you know about the on-field experience, but the off-field experience will bring to life all of your #camplife dreams. Think: A camp trip to Watkins Glen State Park to hike through the waterfalls. Or take a dip in Keuka Lake, which is conveniently right on campus. We have kayaking, paddle boarding, and evening activities that’ll make your head spill. To sum it up: campers are happily busy, combining their favorite things, all day long at Signature Sports Camp. 

And what if we told you this is just the tip of the iceberg on what to expect at Signature’s Field Hockey Camp? We didn’t even go into the Professional Athlete Headliners, the 275+ safety, wellness, and staff training standards that we put in place to become ACA Accredited, or the athletic facilities at Keuka College that will make any youth player dream of playing college ball. For all of those details, we will see you on the Field Hockey camp page

Signature Sports Camp athletes participate in beach volleyball during an evening activity at the Florida Overnight Camp location.
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